Yuval at Petra, Jordan - 2008
Yuval has always been interested in different kinds of visual art. As the grandson of the world famous American watercolor naval artist Arthur Beaumont, (www.navyart.com), he was encouraged to begin his formal art training at an early age. At the age of eight he began with traditional mediums such as oil, watercolor, pastels and charcoal. Then, at the age of thirteen, Yuval became interested in architectural drawing and design.
After college, in November of 1986, Yuval purchased the very first 16 million color capable desktop computer, the the Commodore Amiga, as well as the very first 3D animation design program, a program called Sculpt 3D, and this inspired him even more as he could now combine the architectural drafting skills he had previously acquired and merge them within the “digital space” of a computer generated 3D environment to produce imagery far more imaginative than the 2D paint format would allow for. Yuval then had a vision of the future! Why not startup a company to produce 3D digital animation for the film and television production/advertising markets? It only made sense!
From this initial thought, and to his humble credit, Yuval formed one of the very first digital desktop 3D production companies to come into existence…and in late 1986, in Phoenix, Arizona; CompuAnimate was born, (later to become Studio Optix).
Initially working out of his house, Yuval produced animated logo’s and full length commercials for companies such as Disney, Motorola, AmericaWest Airlines, Kelloggs, AT&T & the U.S. Government to name only a few. Yuval eventually graduated to the “high end” within a relatively short time and utilized his successful earnings to purchase the first Silicon Graphics “Indigo” UNIX based desktop computer in 1991 and coupled it with the recently developed Alias 3D UNIX based animation software product. This complete package cost him just over $60,000, (which was a small fortune then), but by now Yuval was addicted to digital art and simply had to have the best money could buy.
Yuval concurrently formed a second company called Silicon Solutions which would supply not only the equipment, as an authorized Systems Integrator and Dealer for many brands, but also the technological know how to help artists and designers configure just the right computer graphics system for their own unique needs.
For the next ten years, as a sole proprietor, Yuval built up the two companies and operated them from out of an historic house he laboriously restored in the old Willow neighborhood of downtown Phoenix. Yuval’s staff artists for Studio Optix also doubled as his demonstration technicians for his sales company, Silicon Solutions which made his customers even more convinced that Yuval, as a systems integrator, was recommending the best combination of products for their unique individual needs because Yuval also used the equipment he sold in an actual production environment.
During this time Yuval took up the hobby of digital photography as the digital camera market was finally reaching acceptable image quality levels. He then traveled extensively around the world photographing nature scenery and daily street life.
From the early “pioneering” days of the digital graphic marketplace Yuval acquired many priceless skills, which have assisted him to this very day in his ability to create unique digital art pieces. Most of the final images he produced were created from a layer of many elements. He often used his photographs as texture maps, thereby giving his art a sense of oneness within the environment around it.
Upon making the choice to immigrate to Israel in 2007, Yuval changed his name from Arthur "Beau" Beaumont to Yuval Yisrael and spent his first year studying at the prestigious Machon Meir Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He specifically did this for the purpose of properly orienting himself spiritually to the Land of Israel. Yuval thought that it would be essential for him to understand who he was and where he came from in order to fully become the individual his Creator placed him here to become.
Having been fascinated with the Hebrew language since his first visit to Israel in 1985, for many years Yuval spent most of his spare time learning about the root structure that the Hebrew language builds itself upon. In addition he has delved deeply into the mathematical structure of the language as well, (gematria), trying to glean additional understanding of the meaning behind many beautiful Hebrew words and expressions. And to this day, this continues to drive his artistic expression.
As of the writing of this bio on Yuval, (early 2010), to our knowledge, Yuval is the only artist in the world who utilizes three-dimensional space to depict the beauty of the Hebrew language, while incorporating all of the graphical processes previously spoken of. This truly sets him “apart from the pack” and adds additional prominence to the artful expression of his heart.
"I value the time you are taking to view my online gallery. Thank you so much for your interest and if I can be of any further assistance please feel free to contact me." Yuval Yisrael